Fasting blood glucose and cholesterol2024-03-15T17:56:51+11:00
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Fasting blood glucose and cholesterol (lipids)

About glucose and cholesterol blood tests
Learn more about fasting blood tests

Do you know what your fasting glucose is? What about your cholesterol? Diabetes and heart disease are common, serious health issues that affect a large percentage of the Australian population, particularly over the age of 45. Knowing your levels can allow you to take steps to improve your long term health. Book a consultation today for $42.99- which includes a free follow up telehealth appointment with a doctor to discuss your result, if needed.

How it works

In Australia, you need to speak to a doctor to obtain a valid pathology referral, and to qualify for a Medicare rebate for the cost of the test(s):

  • Answer some online questions, then have a phone/video consultation with one of our doctors.
  • Once approved by the doctor, download your pathology request from your Qoctor account
  • Print the form, take it to your local pathology collection centre, and have a blood test
  • When we receive your test results, they’ll immediately appear on your Qoctor account, so you can view them yourself
  • When the doctor checks your results, you’ll also get an SMS
  • Unlike many other telehealth providers, Qoctor offers a free appointment following your glucose/cholesterol pathology test, to discuss the results if required
Book my test

About glucose and cholesterol blood tests

*With a valid pathology referral, issued following a doctor’s assessment, laboratories will not charge you for most common pathology tests. This applies to people with a Medicare/DVA card only. If you do not have a valid Medicare card, the lab will generally charge you a fee for processing the test. This fee will vary between different laboratories- you should clarify this with the individual lab before proceeding.

Acid Reflux or GORD

Common Questions and Answers

Health Library- Sexual Health

Abnormal vaginal discharge- 7 infections that can cause it

7 causes of vaginal infection & abnormal vaginal discharge Thrush Bacterial Vaginosis Chlamydia and other STI's What causes vaginal discharge - what’s normal and what’s not? Vaginal discharge is a natural fluid or mucus that keeps the vagina moist and protects it from infection. It tends to be white or clear, and normally doesn’t have an odour. Women often notice that their vaginal discharge changes naturally throughout the month- becoming thin and clear around the time of ovulation, and thicker in the second half of the month, before a period. However, if it changes noticeably in amount, colour or odour, it may mean there is an infection present. Several types of vaginal infection can lead to abnormal vaginal discharge: Types of Vaginal Infection Thrush (Candida) Thrush (or candida to use its medical name) is a yeast infection. It can occur [...]

By |October 19th, 2017|Categories: Women's Health, Sexual health, Mycoplasma Genitalium, STI, Vaginal Discharge, STI test|

Bacterial Vaginosis- a common cause of vaginal discharge

What is bacterial vaginosis? A normal, healthy vagina is home to a variety of different bacteria. However, in Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) the balance is disturbed, and an overgrowth of some of these bacteria occurs. It is not entirely clear why this happens. The most common symptom is a vaginal discharge which is often white-grey in colour and may have a fishy smell. However, many women with BV do not have any symptoms at all (up to half of cases). Learn more about online prescriptions for BV Is bacterial vaginosis a sexually transmitted disease? BV is not a sexually transmitted infection (although using condoms does seem to make it less likely to develop). It can affect all women, whether they have had sex or not, but it is more common in sexually active women. Male sexual partners of women who have BV do not need any treatment, [...]

By |September 21st, 2017|Categories: Women's Health, Sexual health, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Vaginal Discharge|

6 tummy pains women should know about

Causes of tummy pain in women We all get abdominal aches and pains now and then- most of the time it’s nothing much to worry about and gets better by itself.  However, certain causes of tummy pain can indicate a serious underlying problem and shouldn’t be ignored: Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants outside the uterus- in a fallopian tube, ovary or elsewhere in the abdomen. As the pregnancy grows, it can cause serious complications including internal bleeding- which, if not diagnosed quickly, can lead to death. The pain tends to be sharp and located low in the tummy, often to the left or the right side. There may be abnormal vaginal bleeding, but usually not. A woman may be a few days late for a period, but not necessarily. Any woman who is sexually active and [...]

The morning after pill- the facts & a new 5 day option

The morning after pill- the facts & a new 5 day option how it works types effectiveness side effects How does the morning after pill work? Unprotected sex, a missed pill, a burst condom-there are many reasons a woman may find herself suddenly worrying about an unplanned pregnancy. Despite its name, the morning after pill is not just for the morning after- it can be taken at any time of day, for a few days after unprotected sex has happened. The time frame depends on the type of pill, though it's best to take it as soon as possible . The morning after pill contains a form of progesterone, and works by stopping release of an egg from the ovary OR by making it less likely that sperm will fertilise an egg. It does not cause an abortion [...]

Getting an STI test- what doctors check for

Getting an STI test- what doctors check for What's included in an STI test? Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cause no symptoms. That’s why regular testing is important if you are sexually active, particularly if you have many partners or do not always use a condom. If you ask a doctor for an STI test, there are many infections that can be checked for Some people just want a test for Chlamydia Gonand orrhoea, others may want a full check including tests for Syphilis, Mycoplasma, HIV, Hepatitis B and C. Here are the infections which are commonly covered by a routine STI test- however, it's important to ask your doctor what they are including. Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea These infections can be caught by having vaginal, oral or anal sex. Both can be tested via a urine sample, though swabs from the urethra, [...]

By |July 2nd, 2017|Categories: Sexual health|

How does Chlamydia affect men?

What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men? symptoms spread prevention treatment Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection/disease (STI/STD) caused by a bacteria (Chlamydia Trachomatis). This means that it is spread by having sex or sexual contact with somebody who has already caught it. Chlamydia symptoms in women can include pelvic pain, discomfort when passing urine and vaginal discharge- infection can cause serious illness and severe fertility problems, as well as increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy (which can be fatal). But what are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men? What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men? Chlamydia symptoms in men may include: Burning when you pee Pain in the testicles (balls) Discharge from the end of the penis Rectal pain/discharge/bleeding in men who have received anal sex Long-term it can affect fertility But in many cases there may be [...]

By |June 26th, 2017|Categories: Men's Health, Sexual health, STI, STI test, Chlamydia|
