Employer Value Proposition2021-11-12T18:24:31+11:00

On any given day as many as 1 in 20 employees are absent from work. Around a third of Australian employees between 25 and 64 have a chronic illness. And over three-quarters of absenteeism is attributable to 3 illnesses that can be routinely managed online:

  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma

The evidence is clear. Australian employers take absenteeism less seriously than they should. Estimates vary, but it’s thought to cost Australian businesses over $30 billion a year. Add to that the cost of employees coming to work while ill (also estimated to cost in excess of $30 billion a year), and it’s a problem that has to be addressed.

Qoctor is efficient and convenient. The whole site is run by doctors registered in Australia and you’ll wonder why this has never been done before. Online delivery is well-established in almost every developed marketplace except healthcare. Your employees can receive preferential access if you contact us now.

Do you feel the healthcare offered by your current providers maximises the performance of your employees? If your company is a proud champion of employee health and wellbeing and if you are keen to explore new horizons, Qoctor can be your partner in online healthcare.

The aims of employers, employees and qoctor converge neatly:

  • Employers want to embed a wellness culture, keeping  employees happy, healthy and present at work
  • Employees want to get the answers and treatments they need, confident in the knowledge that the process is safely delivered by Australian doctors who are qualified to help
  • At Qoctor, we believe these things should be delivered online in the modern workplace, and we’re creating systems to make this the reality

Currently Qoctor offers:

  • medical certificates via an online consultation with a doctor
  • referrals to a variety of specialists
  • re-referrals for long-term specialist care
  • online prescriptions for a variety of medications- with express delivery to anywhere in Australia. We can also forward repeat prescriptions directly to a local pharmacy of the patient’s choice.

Speak to us now to discuss how Qoctor can help in the following areas:

  • client service packages tailored to your specific needs
  • an opportunity for employees to access healthcare easily –
    • so they can speak with GPs, specialists, counsellors and other health providers via online video consultations
    • preventing delays in treatment for conditions your employees haven’t had time to address
    • making regular medications available without taking time off or missing days of treatment
  • safe online access to a variety of prescription-only medications
  • practical solutions to a variety of previously time-consuming healthcare processes, including measures designed to significantly reduce absenteeism
  • convenient high-satisfaction services for your staff that they can access from work or home

Our 4 flagship services:

  • Online medical certificates for minor illnesses
    • It’s well-evidenced that time-poor staff are the most likely to obtain a medical certificate for illness. With Qoctor they stay in bed recovering rather than losing recovery time making a trip to the doctor’s surgery (where they are exposed to other illnesses).
  • Online prescriptions
    • For example the contraceptive pill. Every day, perfectly healthy employees all over Australia have to take time out of their schedule to access their regular medications. Qoctor offers an online prescription service for a variety of medications, including the contraceptive pill. We can deliver prescriptions and medication to home or the office, or alternatively send a prescription electronically to a local pharmacy.
  • Online consultations
    • In the coming months, Qoctor aims to further broaden online GP services as well as include access to video consultations with allied health practitioners and specialists. Your employees will be able to access healthcare without having to take time off.
  • Online referrals and repeat referrals to specialists
    • Qoctor can refer your employees to certain specialists without them having to access a GP in person
  • Are you looking for a different service?
    • Contact us and tell us what you think would be useful to keep your employees healthy, happy and productive. We’ll work with you, supplying the tools to manage your peoples’ health-needs and enhance their performance

If you wish to speak with Qoctor about services you’d like to offer your employees, please get in touch with us below.

We’d love to hear from you.

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