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Many STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) do not have symptoms. So, if you’re sexually active, especially if you have multiple partners, it is important to have an STI check every 6 to 12 months. And if you develop symptoms (for example a burning sensation when you pass urine, a rash in the genital area, or abnormal discharge from the vagina of penis), you should have an STI test as soon as possible. STI testing can involve a urine sample, a swab of the affected area, and a blood test. These tests can be easily arranged by your local doctor or sexual health clinic.

How does Chlamydia affect men?

What are the symptoms of Chlamydia in men? symptoms spread prevention treatment Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection/disease (STI/STD) caused by a bacteria (Chlamydia Trachomatis). This means that it is spread by having sex or sexual contact with somebody who has already caught it. Chlamydia symptoms in women [...]
