Book a telehealth GP appointment2024-03-20T16:07:12+11:00
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Book a telehealth GP appointment

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Want to stay on top of your health? With Qoctor’s online doctor service, you can book an appointment to speak to an experienced doctor. First, answer some simple online questions about your health, then have a phone/video consultation with one of our doctors. If you need a prescription that can be sent to you as an eScript, posted to you as a paper copy, or sent electronically to your pharmacy. If the doctor issues a referral letter or a pathology request form, you can download it immediately after your appointment from your Qoctor account. Later, if we receive test results, they will be available to view on your Qoctor profile, or you can book a follow up appointment to discuss your health if you need to.

For longstanding or complicated health issues, we recommend you should see your own GP and keep them informed.

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Acid Reflux or GORD

Common Questions and Answers

Can I use any pathology collection service/ pathology provider for my test?2023-11-21T14:54:37+11:00

If you receive a pathology request form from Qoctor, you can download it from your Qoctor account, print it and take it to any accredited pathology collection centre of your choice. Your test results will get sent to us by the relevant pathology laboratory, usually a few days after you have the test. Once available, we will display your results on your Qoctor account. For privacy and security, you will need to log in to view results.

Approved Pathology Collection Centres (APCCs)

APCCs are facilities to where patients can take their pathology request form to have their sample/specimen collected for testing in a pathology laboratory. They are linked to accredited pathology laboratories and are subject to ongoing monitoring processes, ensuring the quality of pathology collection services. If you are unsure whether your Pathology Collection Centre is linked to an accredited laboratory, you can look for the NATA/RCPA logos or endorsement certificates, or ask the staff if the lab they work with has NATA/RCPA accreditation. Patients can also refer to the NATA website which lists all Medical Testing laboratories currently accredited in Australia (bearing in mind, the lab may not be in the same physical location as the collection centre).

What is the cost to request an STI test online?2023-11-21T14:54:12+11:00

With Qoctor, you can request to have a urine test for STIs, which checks for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Mycoplasma Genitalium. The consultation fee is $31.99. Results are displayed and viewable on your Qoctor account, once the laboratory makes them available to us. The consultation fee includes a follow up doctor’s consultation with Qoctor within 30 days, if you wish to discuss your test results or if the results are abnormal in any way.  If you would also like to have blood tests to screen for HIV, Hepatitis B&C and Syphilis, the consultation fee is slightly higher, at $36.99. Again, a follow up visit is included if you wish to discuss your results or if anything comes back abnormal.

  • Simple (urine) UTI test $31.99.  Tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Mycoplasma Genitalium.
  • Extended (urine and blood) STI test $36.99. Tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma Genitalium, HIV, Hepatitis B&C and Syphilis.
Which STIs can I get tested for?2023-11-21T14:53:52+11:00

STI Screening with Qoctor can involve tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma Genitalium (urine test). Blood tests for Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV are also possible.  “Screening” is when you get tested for something when you don’t have symptoms. If you are already unwell or have symptoms suggestive of an STI, you should attend a GP or sexual health clinic in person- requesting a test online is not suitable in those circumstances. But, if you just want a test to ensure you don’t have a silent STI infection, online assessment can be a convenient. effective and affordable option for many people. In Australia, pathology tests generally require you to have a request form from a registered doctor. So, once the doctor has carried out a brief consultation and provided a request form, you can print it and take it to your local pathology collection service. The test results, once made available to Qoctor by the laboratory, can be viewed on your Qoctor account, and/or you can speak to one of our doctors if you need to.

Health Library

Low Vitamin B12- symptoms,causes & treatment

Vitamin B12 deficiency- causes, symptoms & treatment of low B12 introduction causes symptoms tests & treatment What are B vitamins? Are you getting enough Vitamin B12? Vitamins are substances that occur naturally in food, and are needed for many essential body functions. There are 13 vitamins required by our body- and 8 of these are types of Vitamin B. The B Vitamins have a wide variety of important roles in the body, particularly in relation to growth, repair and energy production. Whilst most healthy people who eat a broad and balanced diet will get enough B vitamins from their food, you can become deficient (low) in these vitamins for a variety of reasons. You can develop low B12 if there is not enough of it in your diet, if you're unable to absorb the vitamin properly, or if your body is using it up [...]

GORD (acid reflux) – 10 things that can be triggers

GORD (acid reflux)- 10 things that may be causing your symptoms Gastro-oesophageal Reflux, often referred to as GORD or simply “acid reflux”, is caused when acid passes from the stomach back up into your gullet (oesophagus). The stomach naturally makes acid as part of the normal digestion process. Usually the sphincter at the bottom of the oesophagus acts as a valve and keeps this acid in the stomach. Acid reflux can happen if this sphincter is weak, if there is too much acid made in the stomach, if the stomach is not emptying properly, or if there is increased pressure in the stomach, forcing acid back up into the oesophagus. Here are 10 common triggers for GORD: Smoking Nicotine seems to weaken the sphincter in the lower oesophagus, allowing acid reflux to occur. Smoking can also reduce the amount of saliva (spit) you make, which may have an effect. [...]

By |October 4th, 2017|Categories: Digestion & bowel health, Acid Reflux, GORD|

5 bowel symptoms that worry doctors

5 bowel symptoms that doctors worry about A big night out, a dodgy takeaway or viral gastro- these things can affect normal bowel function for a few days- but things usually settle down quickly and everything returns to normal. However, there are certain bowel symptoms that make doctors more concerned, and can mean something more serious is going, such as colitis or bowel cancer. It’s worth being aware of these warning signs: A persistent change in bowel habit If you’ve always had a certain pattern when it comes to your bowels, but then develop a new pattern for no obvious reason, it can be a sign of a problem such as inflammation or blockage in the bowel. So, if diarrhoea, constipation or other changes happen ( for example, more frequent bowel motions, or if the motions have a long thin shape), and this [...]

By |September 27th, 2017|Categories: Digestion & bowel health, Bowel Cancer|

What are the symptoms of Coeliac Disease?

What are the symptoms of Coeliac Disease? Symptoms Tests Treatment How do you know if you’re Coeliac? In Coeliac (also spelled Celiac) Disease, a person’s immune system reacts abnormally to gluten- a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. This leads to inflammation of the gut and difficulty absorbing food. It can also cause symptoms elsewhere in the body. Coeliac Disease is common- around 1 in 70 Australians have it, though up to 80% are undiagnosed. Undiagnosed Coeliac Disease can be a problem, as it can lead to other serious health issues. So, how do you know if you have it? What are the symptoms of Coliac Disease? Gut related symptoms If a person with Coeliac disease eats gluten, they may experience abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and diarrhoea. Less commonly, constipation may occur. Some people may develop recurring mouth [...]

By |August 24th, 2017|Categories: Digestion & bowel health, Coeliac Disease|

6 tummy pains women should know about

Causes of tummy pain in women We all get abdominal aches and pains now and then- most of the time it’s nothing much to worry about and gets better by itself.  However, certain causes of tummy pain can indicate a serious underlying problem and shouldn’t be ignored: Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants outside the uterus- in a fallopian tube, ovary or elsewhere in the abdomen. As the pregnancy grows, it can cause serious complications including internal bleeding- which, if not diagnosed quickly, can lead to death. The pain tends to be sharp and located low in the tummy, often to the left or the right side. There may be abnormal vaginal bleeding, but usually not. A woman may be a few days late for a period, but not necessarily. Any woman who is sexually active and [...]

What causes mouth ulcers and can they be serious?

What causes mouth ulcers and can they be serious? what are they causes less common causes treatment What are mouth ulcers? Mouth ulcers can be annoying and painful, particularly if they keep coming back. But what causes them and are they anything to worry about? By far the most common type of mouth ulcers are “aphthous ulcers”. These are the typical painful ones many of us have had at one time or another, when the lining of the mouth breaks down in a small round or oval area, often with a grey-yellow tinge. Spicy or acidic food can make this pain even more intense. While it's often just a single lesion, it’s possible to get several ulcers at a time, and they may come back a few times per year. Learn more about our online doctor services [...]

By |July 22nd, 2017|Categories: Digestion & bowel health, Mouth Ulcers|

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