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Premenstrual Syndrome is also known as Premenstrual Tension (PMT), Premenstrual Disorder (PMD) or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) if it’s severe. Premenstrual syndrome is when a woman experiences distressing physical or emotional symptoms regularly in the 2 weeks before her period, but not occuring at other times in your menstrual cycle. It’s only diagnosed after other medical conditions are ruled out. It’s very common- about 40% of women get Premenstrual Syndrome. Common symptoms include  a bloated tummy, feeling irritable or angry, tender painful breasts and pain in the joints and muscles.

There are various treatment options, including the combined oral contraceptive pill, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine, a type of antidepressant called an SSRI, painkillers, and less commonly diuretics (water tablets) may be used to help with swelling.

What causes PMS?

PMS- symptoms, causes & treatment what is it symptoms causes treatment What is PMS? Premenstrual Syndrome is also known as: Premenstrual Tension (PMT) Premenstrual Disorder (PMD) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) if it’s severe Premenstrual syndrome is defined as: Distressing physical or emotional symptoms Occurring [...]
