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Men’s Health

Welcome to the Qoctor Men’s Health page. Here we look at medical issues such as hair loss, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.  Most men will experience a degree of hair loss over their lifetime, and often it doesn’t cause any concern. But some men may be bothered by it, and wish to consider treatment options. We explore some of these in our article below. Premature Ejaculation can cause a lot of distress, and may even have an impact on relationships- we discuss the potential causes and treatment options. Erectile Dysfunction (E.D)  is another common problem- there are many possible contributing factors, so it’s important to have a proper check up with a doctor before taking medication for it. Several medications now exist for E.D- these vary with regard to onset of action and duration of the effect, so different men may prefer different options depending on their circumstances.  To learn more about any of these issues, browse our men’s health library below.

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Health Library- Men’s Health
